Stop 7

Stop 7  Big Idea:  The Layers of the Forest
Look around at the forest layers. There's the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor. The canopy is where most of the leaves are found. Many birds live at the canopy level. The understory is a shady place under the canopy. Porcupines live in the understory. Chipmunks and other small animals live on the forest floor. On the forest floor there are old leaves that have insects and other invertebrates living in them, which help decompose the leaves. Decomposition is an important part of the forest floor, as it turns dead trees and stumps into the soil, so new plants can grow.
Gray Birch Tree                                
Gray Birch Tree's Canopy of leaves                                   
Gray Birch Tree
Three reasons to like this tree...
The bark of this tree is water-resistant.
It is a deciduous tree with wood that is good for a campfire.
You will find white birch along the trail, too. Its bark is whiter and peeling.
The Native Americans used the bark of white birch to make canoes.
Logan and Ceaira

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