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STOP 5  Woodpecker Holes
Close Up:  Woodpecker Holes
Woodpecker Holes in Dead Pine

Wood peckers peck in the trees to eat the bugs that live in there. They have claws that help them to not fall and they also use their tail feathers. They have bendable beaks made of cartilage, similar to what is in your ears and nose. 

Most woodpeckers have four toes, two face forward, and two backward. This is called zygodactyl. A woodpecker's beak is "chisel-like", it is used to make holes in the trees for nesting and to get the bugs and the larvae that live there. They have very long tongues that help them to reach in small holes to get their food. They can also fit their tongues in ant hills and eat ants right out of the ant hill. They can eat other things too like acorns, pine nuts, and fruit.

Woodpeckers lay 2-8 eggs. Both parents sit on the eggs. The baby woodpeckers are born blind and without feathers. All woodpeckers have a flying pattern, 3 flaps then glide, 3 flaps then glide. Look and listen for them along the trail.
 1st Woodpecker photograph borrowed from:
Pileated Woodpecker
2nd woodpecker photo borrowed from:

Gavin and Dylan

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